p.s. 還好現在遊戲機把手材質進步很多,不會像以前每次多放幾個大決,
"portable games system"
- Buy - Etre Touchy - Gloves for your iPhone, iPod Touch, Nintendo DS, Blackberry, PDA and more... (在「Google 網頁註解」中檢視)
p.s. 還好現在遊戲機把手材質進步很多,不會像以前每次多放幾個大決,
"portable games system"
- Buy - Etre Touchy - Gloves for your iPhone, iPod Touch, Nintendo DS, Blackberry, PDA and more... (在「Google 網頁註解」中檢視)
Google Maps也是隨時隨地在進化,而且新的google toolbar加入網頁註解,其實跟微軟的onenote很像,
這篇論文主 要是探討如何幫助一般用戶創建安全程度夠高的密碼並且易於個人記憶,這樣的密碼至少需要15個組成,其中包含2個數字與1個符號,但是根據古典認知研 究:humans can memorize only seven plus or minus two chunks of information (Miller 1956)
1.action research is ‘‘ideally suited to the study of technology in its human context’’ (Baskerville and Wood-Harper 1996, p. 235).